Wednesday, January 20, 2010

happy birthday wawa!!!~~

happy birthday to my tayunk butuk..hohho

i'm just get the chance to cam x sempat nak post before 12 am je

btw i'll just randomly type whatever come across my mind

well since we were quite buzy for this couple weeks

u bz with your dances piya2 o piya2 n bole chuliya..u so cute btw during the show...hehe

i bz with my tears hahahhahaha jz bcoz of boxer??????kuang3

whatever we bz with

hope you'll enjoy our last minute idea to celebrate ur precious day huhuh

hope you'll enjoy our simple present too

till then for now..

have a great birthday, tayunk!!!wek3

[the pic from our first year DVM]
sopan lagi berbaju kurung hohoho

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahah..thanks gurl =P...
ak pon sbnrnye mmg trlupe seyh mlm my bsday..serius ak trlupe
smpi mlm tu kwn2 ak wish ak,,bru ak trigt da 20 jan..hahhahahahaha
truja sgt ngn silaturahim kowt,,lololololo~