Sunday, March 21, 2010

S.T.U.D.Y post mortem~~


Erm aku tetibe terase nak throw something tonite..well before I started, just to remind..this is just my thought, my concern..not to hurt anyone..i’m write this as my reminder too..well more to remind myself actually..sape rase nak amek pengajaran, aku berbesar hati nak kongsi..sape nak terase lebih2 go ahead..korg punye hati, korang punye pasal..

Student life is very hectic..everyone got their own aim, perception, understanding, study style n bla bla bla..everyone want great result, great score..including me..but klu setakat mengharap je, tak payah laa..success does not come to the one who need to find it..aku selalu gak stay alone n think..knpe eh this fella didn’t study much but still can score..i study the whole night, the week before but still I can’t get the best result at all..why??where’s my mistake??which part did I’m lacking of actually??..(aarghhh macam2 la terbang masuk otak aku)

Then I remembered something..someone said before, lebih kurg gini la ayat die “orang cina tuhan bagi rezeki, most of them kaya2 sebab the son take care of the parents..but org melayu bile da kawen sume ikut bini which sepatutnye the husband kene dahulukan the mother”..yup I I think in case of x dpt score ni mesti ade sebab laen..even study mcm mane skali pon, mesti ade redha Tuhan..selalunye student willing to stay until 2,3 a.m to study..da penat tdo..ape lah salahnye before sleep tu solat hajat ke solat taubat ke..then boleh mintak doa supaya ilmu yg dibaca tu melekat kat make it worse, ade lak yg tdo lmbt2 tu karang nnt terlepas subuh..huh camne la ilmu tu nk berkat..

Actually, I think to score doesn’t depend on how long time you take to study..there are so many other things which influence it..ade lagi situasi yg aku cukup benci..selalu je aku dgr on the day nak exam tu ayat-ayat gini “aku x stadi laa” “aku tak ingat la” bla bla bla..ayat aku x stadi laa tu paling aku benci..for me, it is impossible for someone didn’t study before exam..ptuihh tipu laa..klu betul2 x stadi aku leh klu stadi, tp ckp x stadi ape kes??bukan nye rugi pon klu ko ckp ko stadi da consider lying jugak laa..then da menipu pulak, igt leh berkat ke ilmu klu tipu pikir la sendiri Paah..for those yg suke ckp “aku tak ingat laa”..aku rase better don’t said this..well, whatever we said is actually can consider we pray for it right..then klu da asek ckp aku tak igt tu aku tak igt ni, boleh ke ko igt nnt??? Da elok2 hafal mintak bg tak igt lak..tak paham aku..

Berkat ilmu ni jugak sebenarnya come from the action jugak..hati2 bile nak wat something..aku pna alami satu keadaan..esoknye ade test ape ntah..the night before, aku ngumpat org2 sekeliling aku right after I’m finished study..then on the test, in the exam hall, I can’t even think..amek ko!!org sepatutnye after study, back to Him..pray for peace during the test, doa ilmu2 tu dikembalikan saat diperlukan, doa tak ditutup pintu hati..but what I did??talking bad bout others..hah!!come on la Paah, Allah tu adil, He can do anything, sape la ko Paah nk lawan kuasa Allah..bayangkan dah la ko bagi pahala kering kat org yg ko ngumpat tu, then kalau Allah bukak pintu hati die, semua yang ko baca Allah bagi kat die, boleh je nak jadi klu Allah nak kan..well pendek kate, fikir dulu sebelum buat something yg x sepatutnye dibuat..every action you do, will back to you..mungkin bukan dalam bentuk yg sama, tp balasan tetap ada..

Hurm actually banyak je lagi situasi2 yg aku nk tulih sini..tapi aku da kering idea nak karang..nnt la klu aku ade idea lagi aku tulih for the second the way, this is just to remind myself..anyone read this, klu terasa pk laa sendiri, klu aku salah aku mintak maaf..klu setakat terasa tamau pk sendiri suka hati laa..again aku tade niat nak wat sape2 terasa, this is just my thought..ape2 pon yang penting, everything happened actually with His back to Him in any situation..tak kesah la sedih ke gembira ke susah ke senang ke..sebab kita hanya mampu merancang, Allah yg tentukan segalanya..wallahua’lam~~

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